Where are the Bushes? Bush Camp 2 to Bush Camp 3 - 65 kms

We had a relatively warm night but around 5.00am it becomes quite chilly.
We decided to use the last of the gas canister last night and have instant noodles with salmon washed down with our favorite condensed milk coffee.
We found at the last minute that our gas lighter wasn't working - so our plans for a Cordon Bleu dinner were sabotaged!
There were several signs announcing the animals that were wandering in the area. We've still yet to see a live one - saw another dead camel today - and a couple of dead snakes!
But we did see this little fellow about to cross the highway. 
In order to scare us off, he opened his mouth showing red, frilly lips which was quite effective.
Spring flowers are starting to appear amongst the scrub. The whole area becomes quite magical and colourful  during the wild flower season.

We battled a head wind most of the day and we're ready to set up camp by 2.00pm.
But where? Not a bush in sight!
We picked a spot we thought might have a little protection. 
This is our view. The cars and road trains can probably see us - but we're too tired to care!


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