A Few Statistics! Perth to Whyalla - 2022

Our cycle trip is over and my blog posts conclude today.
We have successfully crossed the Nullarbor Plains - for the second time - which is exhilarating and very satisfying!
It's been quite a challenge but we've survived!

After 2 years of COVID isolation, we're so thankful that we had the opportunity to cycle again in amazing Australia, even though we had to change plans at the end.
Hope you enjoyed travelling along with us via our blog.

Here are a few Statistics:

*Began Cycle: 1 August 2022
*Duration: 60 days
*Cycle Days: 42
*Rest Days: 18
*Distance Cycled: 2388kms
*Average Daily Cycle: 56kms
*Days Cycling Over 100kms: 1
*Most kms in One Day: 118kms
*Least kms in One Day:  21kms
*Punctures: 1 (Del's thorn proofing worked!)
*Broken Spokes: 2 (all Del's)
*Accidents: 0
*Average kms an hour:  9 - 15 kph
*Last Cycle Day: 29 September 2022

Thank you to everyone who posted comments and encouraged us on. 
We couldn't reply but appreciated every single one!

Note to Self: What challenge is Del planning to talk me into next!


  1. Congratulations to you both. I'm so thrilled for you. Making the call to fly home early would have been hard - but you achieved so very, very much and i feel honoured to have been a
    very small part of your adventure. Inspirational.

  2. Well done. The Rayboulds raised a glass to you on Saturday, and Simon is correct in applauding your understated comment- we *are* proud of you! Safe flights and enjoy your return.

  3. Absolutely amazing result! Love those stats: my favourite stat: accidents 0. (Not to mention 2388km cycled, which is way more than the length of New Zealand). Congratulations, and safe travels home. xx

  4. Well done. So proud of you both xxx

  5. Oops, my earlier comment seems to have disappeared! But never fear, Paul has found a week-old tab of this blog page still open on his iPad, so I've copied my comment from there and will repost :)


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