Last Day in Mundaring! (Fingers crossed!)

The weather forcast is starting to improve a little, so we're making plans to head off tomorrow. Melbourne and Sydney are now preparing for the Super Storm's havoc.

Meanwhile we've been enjoying the warmth of our unit and keeping track of the Commonwealth Games events on TV.
You have to admire the Australian athletes and all their gold medals! Mind you, NZ  athletes never get a mention, even if they do win a medal!

We battled an icy wind on our daily walk into town, arriving with thunder, lightning and more rain. Won't hold our breath re tomorrow's plans!

The local woods are full of mountain bike trails - a veritable Mecca for bikers! 
The Kep Track is 76kms long and runs from Mundaring to Northam following the water pipeline from Mundaring Weir.
We're heading towards Northam but unfortunately we don't have the same degree of suspension as mountain bikes and, with the weight we're carrying and the uneven ground, we'd soon be suffering broken axles and spokes.
Instead we're considering the straightforward, less picturesque highway route, if we can handle the traffic! 

And we still expect to do some walking! 


  1. Finally figured out how to comment! Enjoying your blog and adventures! Sounds like really extraordinary, unseasonable weather. Hope it stops raining and you get underway soon! x

  2. All the best for kick-starting your adventure again tomorrow. Hazel sends her love and well wishes! xx

  3. Typical Aussies, never heard of nor mention NZ. Still we know we punch way above our weight. Xx

  4. Hey Del & Cindy, I think I should contact Birmingham and get them to reserve a Gold Medal for you. and get them to engrave both your name and "a true New Zealander."


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