Holy Moly! Bush Camp 1 to Bush Camp 2 - 62kms

No wonder the temperature was rising yesterday. We experienced a massive electric storm last night!

We lay in our sleeping bags nervously counting the lightning flashes and the number of seconds before the thunder followed.
Could the bikes or trailers be lightning conductors?
I imagined two old ducks being zapped to a cinder, while huddled in their tent in the middle of nowhere! Make a good headline! 
At least we'd be together!

The storm seemed to last ages, accompanied by a little rain.
But we survived and, apart from the bikes being blown over, there was no damage.

Today we have a very blustery tail wind.
The highway has become quite challenging. The wind from passing road trains is quite fierce and we now have hills to contend with, too.

The bush has become scraggly and farmers seem to have constructed fences quite close to the road to keep their stock contained.

Del had difficulty sourcing a suitable area for a camp. Eventually he found one, though it's quite close to the road.
Ear plugs tonight for sure!

Sorry no photos today, folks. Too busy controlling the bikes.


  1. Challenging indeed. There’s my answer to the rain question. Electric storm at night, quite scary. Keep those bikes under control. Keep pedalling…!


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