Bit of the Bight! Bush Camp near Border Village to Bush Camp 2 - 65kms

When we're bush camping, Del likes an early start so that we can cover a reasonable distance before the wind comes up- awake at 5.00am, breakfast and packed by 6.30am.
Today we didn't get the tail wind we wanted, but we battled a cross wind for most of the way.
Both of us were loaded up with bottled  water - 12 bottles of 1.5 litres!  
Passing road trains going in the opposite direction almost blew us off the bikes
Soon after leaving the Border Village area, the highway ran alongside the sea- the Great Australian Bight. Caravans took advantage of the views and free parking.

We met French cyclist, Benjamin, going in the opposite direction. Luckily for him, the wind was in his favour. He's been cycling around Australia for some time.

Bush camping is a mucky business at the best of times. The red soil is either powdery and sticks to everything or it's wet and clay-like and sticks to everything! We always have to clean the groundsheet well or we'd be adding weight to Del's already weighty trailer.

We're going to be out of mobile reception until we get to the Nullarbor Roadhouse in a couple of days' time. Meanwhile I'll continue to write my blogs and post them when I can.

PS Still not a single sighting of any wildlife whatsoever!!!


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