Sorting Stuff! Whyalla

We were determined to get our homeward bound flights etc sorted ASAP so we could enjoy Whyalla before we go.

We booked with Quantas (with several stopovers) and arriving in NZ at an ungodly hour.
Quantas, it seems, charges $20 per kilogram for bike boxes. We calculated that we could EACH be charged up to $400. 

We decided this morning that we would sell the bikes for what we could get for them or, if all else fails, donate them to charity. 
We removed several extras and eventually donated them to Vinnies (St Vincent de Pauls).
We'll donate the tent to them before we leave.

Time to investigate the Whyalla foreshore.
A new jetty offers glimpses of dolphins seasonally.
Today there were a dozen fishermen fishing for sprats from the jetty to use as bait to catch crabs, a local delicacy.
And a cheeky pelican waited for the odd sprat to come its way.
A barge was being loaded with iron ore prior to taking it out to an awaiting ship anchored off shore.

There was a small marina, a boat ramp and a pontoon for the local children to enjoy.

Tomorrow's another day.
Apparently there's a great view of the local steel mill from a nearby hill. 
Time to relax now. 


  1. Well, what a disappointing journey to Whyalla. I thought it was prettier than your description. Even more of a sensible decision I’m thinking if that’s the best that Oz could offer having done the plain. The Town itself looks good, so a few days stay and a relax should set you up for the homeward leg(s). Enjoy it, you deserve it….

  2. Bikes, gone! Tent, gone! Trailers...? You don't mess around! The weather looks lovely there, it's wet and dreary here at the moment so make the most of it! xx


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