Perfect Conditions! Bush Camp 2 to Nundroo Roadhouse - 36kms

A tail wind, cyclable hills and welcome downhills - nothing could spoil our ride today - or could it? 

Just a few kms into the ride, Del had his second broken spoke on the rear wheel.
The said spoke had quickly wrapped itself around the wheel hub. 
Del straightened it as best he could but couldn't remove it, so he taped it to the spoke next to it - not a conventional remedy but might get us all the way to Ceduna (4 days away and the end of the Nullarbor Plain) - fingers crossed!
We set off again.

By now the wind had become quite strong and blustery, forcing us to grip the handle bars firmly. Road trains, overtaking us, created such a blast almost blowing my helmet over my eyes!

Jody ( a TV2 reporter we met at the Nullarbor Roadhouse) drove out to meet us as we neared Nundroo and videoed us cycling. She's gathering stories about people she meets on the Nullarbor Plain.
We arrived at Nundroo Roadhouse and were relieved that an en suite room was available.
We immediately did our urgent washing, then had a simple lunch from the roadhouse and bought a few stores for the next few days.
Del checked the bikes while I did my blog.

The grounds of the roadhouse are pretty overgrown. 
The powered sites for caravans haven't been used in a while.
Then we took advantage of a quiet afternoon and relaxed. (Can you see where Del's cycling glasses have been?)

No ear plugs needed tonight!
But, looking out at the wild wind, we're thankful that we're not trying to put up a tent. 


  1. Nice goggle tan Dad! 4 days to the end of the Nullarbor - you're almost there! Hopefully that wheel will survive until Ceduna (I think you said there was a bike mechanic there?) xx

  2. Wishing you well for your travels to Ceduna...hope those spokes hold another 155kms!! Sleep well! xx J&J

  3. Matching coverlet, mmmm, very nice. It might be overgrown but it’s green and I guess what passes for luscious on the plain. Any wildlife I wonder, apart from predatory wild reporters that is? Did you have to do a piece to camera, or any re-takes of falling off to add a bit of drama? Ceduna looks like a big city compared to what you’ve been used to - be good to get the bike looked after, good old gaffer tape! Truck on…

  4. I stayed in the same Motel only a few weeks ago. Did you try the curry from the adjacent Road House?


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