Where are the kangaroos? Norseman to Bush Camp - 62kms

We've been on the road for 25 days already and we haven't seen a single kangaroo - 
until today on the Nullarbor Plain, that is.
Such a shame that it had to be a dead one - it was a young one or possibly a wallaby. The road trains can't avoid them and they make quite an impression on a car's chasis too.
From memory, we expect to see more carnage as we cross the Nullarbor.
The Nullarbor boasts the world's longest golf course. Buy a ticket and try sinking a shot in the single hole waiting for you at every Roadhouse along the route!
By the way, Nullarbor means 'no trees', so we're keeping our fingers crossed that there'll be enough scrub to camp behind when we need to!

We had lunch, sitting on a tarpaulin on the edge of a straight, ribbon of road that disappeared into the horizon in both directions.

There are still tall, spindly trees, but they are getting fewer in number and low lying shrubs are becoming more predominant.
Mick and his partner, whom we met as we were leaving the motel, caught up with us along the way. A journalist, he videoed us briefly. Enjoyed meeting you, Mick.

Our trailers were weighted down with extra water today. 
Minor hills felt challenging and, with mainly a light head wind all the way, we arrived at our bush camp tired and hungry.

We bought fruit salads yesterday for tonight's dinner, topped up with thick peanut butter sandwiches, a chocolate slice and  condensed milk coffee. What more could we ask for! 

We hope to complete another 60kms tomorrow - with a little less water than we carried today. 

Will sleep well tonight!


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