Next Few Days Sorted! Last day in Norseman.

Fraser Range Station, 103 kms east, was to be our destination (and bed) in 2 days' time.
Covid has forced its closure for 2 years now.
Based on our daily cycling distance, we'll need to carry food and water for 3/4 bush camps before we reach our next roadhouse at Balladonia, 190kms from here.
Today we bought 18 litres of water and food for 3/4 days from the one and only supermarket. It'll have to fit into the two trailers with everything else. At least, the weight will reduce each day!
We bought filled rolls (cheese and salad) and 2 pottles of fresh fruit salad from the BP station at the edge of town. They will be tomorrow's lunch and dinner. We want a quick get away!
Road trains were lining up to refill their diesel before hitting the remote Nullarbor Plain.
We passed the famous 'Norseman' sculpture.
The horse reputedly dug up the first gold nugget with his hoof, which started the gold rush!

The empty line of businesses for sale in the main street, the unkempt, untidy little houses that were someone's home (though we saw virtually no one during our 2 days here), were rather depressing, like witnessing the death of a once vital township. 

Yet the young man at the IGA checkout was chatty and cheerful. To each his own!

Our next challenge starts tomorrow morning!


  1. I hope you can reserve a room in advance at the Balladonia roadhouse! Some big days ahead, don't take any risks, I know you will be careful. We'll be thinking of you and hoping for a strong tail wind! xx

  2. Having had a nose around on Google your descriptions are accurate. We have similar in a minor way in Wales, not to the same degree I stress, but one is wondering “what was it like?”, and “why?” etc. Words like employment, youth, opportunity, vision spring to mind. Love the camels on the roundabout by the tourist centre! Truck on…. The more you drink, the more stops you have, the lighter the load gets…!

  3. Thinking of you both on the Nullarbor. Holding our breath until you get through the other side, and sending our love xx J&J


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