Middle of Nowhere! Bush Camp 1 to Bush Camp 2 - 60kms

60 kms doesn't sound much to a seasoned cyclist, but towing heavy trailers into a head wind, along a "switch back" highway is challenging! We did a bit of walking today!

Road train drivers and "grey nomads" towing their caravans, alike, toot and wave in recognition of the effort we're making. Several folk have even stopped to chat about the trip.

We stopped for a bite to eat at one of the many rest stops along the way.
Looks like an inland lake or sea. Must look it up at some stage.

Came across our second roadkill - a poor camel. It's entrails were scattered up the highway. It must have given the road train driver one big fright - and made a mess of his rig, too! Wild and free one minute, and a mangled heap the next.

With Del encouraging me to pedal a little bit further, we eventually ticked over 60kms. Immediately Del kept his eyes peeled for a suitable camp site off the road. 
It was a mess as usual, with fallen branches, tree litter, stones etc but after a clean up, it couldn't have been better.

By the time everything had been unpacked it was 4.15pm. We had a quick meal and were in bed by 6.00pm, by which time it was pitch black.
Apologies for a short blog today.  I'm pooped!
No mobile reception so will send my drafts off when we get to Balladonia.


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