Heading towards Norseman! Bush Camp 1 to Bush Camp 2 - 53kms

It was cold last night with a cloudless sky dripping with stars. Both of us woke early, around 4.30am.
We had our Weetbix and coffee (both with condensed milk), packed up camp and headed off hoping to cover 60kms today.
We stopped at Widgiemooltha Roadhouse for a toasted sandwhich and coffee and basic stores. No emergency food there so we bought 2 ham and cheese rolls for our dinner!

We seem to have lost the Golden Pipeline and gained a railway line which we followed and crossed several times today.
Signs re mine sites were frequent and road trains roared past entering and exiting the bush.

I became quite weary and had to take recovery breaks which meant that we didn't achieve our 60kms goal.
At our camp site, we discovered the reason why. My front tyre was flat!!! 
That pesky piece of wire, that my tyre picked up and that we thought had done no damage, was the culprit!
Del to the rescue again!

Tomorrow we cycle to Norseman - and a bed, I hope! 


  1. Hello Del and Cindy, I do so much enjoy checking in every few days to share in your adventures. Hoping that the 'westerly' picks up nice and strong for you both. 🚲

  2. That is just so me, Del! A clever wheeze, a well thought-out idea, necessity and invention and extemporising and…. It masked a lack of air. You have my sympathy and disappointment. And the wheels on the ’bus go round and round…


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