Goodbye Coolgardie! Coolgardie to Bush Camp - 64kms

All our gear is dry at last and we're ready to be on our journey.
Last night we were serenaded with loud country music emanating from the rodeo competitors' campsite a kilometre away.
Del's earplugs soon fixed that!
This morning our neighbours, Dusty and his wife, came out of their chalet to say goodbye.
Dusty is ATV (all terrain vehicle) mad. He's entered his latest model - a modified show truck - into a ute competition being held at the rodeo today. He wins trophies galore. 
I must say, it was very eye-catching, right down to the "naked lady" handles that hoisted you into the truck.
Del always reckoned that the road to Norseman from Coolgardie would be downhill, as we approached the Nullarbor Plain. He wasn't far wrong either. It was mainly flat but we enjoyed numerous downhills today, for a change.

Being flat, the area is prone to flooding and frequent signs and indicators warn of the problem.
Hard to believe that floodwaters can get as high as 2 metres, though.
But, look at that beautiful sky. That's what brings us back to the Outback.
We stopped on the roadside for breaks and lunch, then kept our eyes peeled for a suitable camp site.
And here we are, tent up and sleeping bags ready to collapse into.
Del's busy boiling water for our dehydrated meal, then it's bedtime, as the light disappears from 5.30pm.


  1. What an amazing truck and man. It all adds to the charm of the trip doesn’t it? And I see what you mean about the big (and intense) blue sky. I bet the stars are amazing when Del goes to see a man about a dog! I was going to say “photo please”, but I’ve thought that one through! Reading between the wheels I sense you are very much in the rhythm of the trip now and enjoying it more after a ragged start. Good photos are giving a real feel for the Country, thanks. Keep trucking…


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